
The term anosognosia refers to a phenomenon in which some patients suffering from acquired neurological disorders appear to exhibit denial or unawareness of aspects of their disorder. Many cases have been reported throughout antiquity, but the term was first introduced by the neurologist Joseph Babinsky in 1914, who applied it to anosognosia for hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body). The term has since been used to refer to the phenomenon in general, and is occasionally used to describe the lack of insight often seen in people diagnosed with mental disorders.


Prigatano, GP (2010). The Study of Anosognosia, Oxford University Press.

Babinski, M.J. (1914). Contribution a l”etude des troubles mentaux dans
l’hemiplegie organique cerebrale (anosognosie). Review of Neurology, 12, 845-847.


See lecture on anosognosia.